Service and Solution Areas
A Unique Capability
Blue Spoon specializes in enabling top-line innovation.
We have pioneered an original form of strategy-making — a new technique to shape vision and ambition — based on general systems theory, creating a repeatable process to differentiate, discover and develop markets in an organized, persistent way.
Blue Spoon works at a different level. Our niche isn’t bottom-line cost-cutting and operational efficiency, trying to squeeze more life out of “the horseless carriage” and cutting costs, but constructing new categories of growth with a new category of creative leadership.
The era of linear solutioning is over.
And while avoiding ambiguity and shying away from complexity is understandable, pretending it doesn't exist is foolish at best and fantasy at worst. It's time for a modern strategy, a more original approach to position leverage, invent power and spark momentum for a Big Strategic Rotation, the kind of large-scale impact that can reshape, reorganize and redirect entire economic systems.
We organize our service around four themes:
1.“See It” — Ecosystem-Centered Market Vision
How should you best engage? Should you become a partner to someone else’s ecosystem or build your own? How should you think about ecosystem value proposition, governance and choice (‘positional value’) between market fragments to integrate? What is the case for investment? Our strategic advisory provides the guidance necessary to create and compete at a different level.
Using new experience-mapping software, mobile ethnography, stakeholder mapping techniques, value proposition and business model design canvases, insights drawn from original desk-side and experiential research, social media analysis, as well as our own decades of experience, imagination and intuition in healthcare, we develop a coherent roadmap for systemic engagement and market integration across brands, markets, businesses, industries and governments.
Our creativity is expressed in terms of new wholes and pools of value that form the basis for market innovation. It's the starting point to align business and technology agendas as one economic system. The core output is a roadmap to organize and manage the progressive integration of emerging technologies, content, vendors, behaviors, incentives and customers within a new value framework.
We can generally complete a first prototype of these system vision projects in less than a month.
2. “Say It” — New Concept Development, Positioning and Strategic Communications
Creating new concepts, positioning new storylines of value, and marketing a new value framework begins with content and communications positioned with systems thinking.
We write the messaging and content to position and present storylines at a system level, connecting insights and vision-setting across stakeholders, including customers, policy and regulatory bodies. We work with you to define the unique elements of health to innovate, determine where to invest in emerging technologies, and discover a new economic model based on health system value. All of this should become part of an internal and external roll-out. Using a research and business model innovation sprint, we create a focused effort that gets you the content and message strategy that ensures you strike the right chord with the right audiences.
3. “Sell It” — Ecosystem Construction, Activation and Go-to-Market
Strategy without execution is meaningless.
We work with you and your vendors to create novel "digitally-enabled" systems of health engagement, service designs, market development campaigns, and prototype business concepts that create growth without being merely transactional. We help you build thought leadership and mobilize a community of collaborators.
What are you seeing from customers in terms of their demanding new pitch behavior, bigger ideas and need for radical change? We work as a white label with marketing, sales and account management and business development teams to position and structure large transformation deals, define and articulate ‘shared marketspace’ to align value propositions at a system level, ask different questions, and create a compelling pitch to win new business.
4. “Sustain It” — On-Going Support and Executive Communications
We offer ad-hoc, project-based or retainer engagement models to keep your ecosystem healthy and growing, to manage it as a living system and improve its performance over time.
Our method for 'big design' is truly unique, and can support long-term transformation initiatives, care delivery innovations, executive presentations, ideation sessions, market research projects, and business development activities. We work with both clients (sponsor) and their vendors.